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Minggu, 05 April 2009

Tips Cara cepat meningkatkan dollar dari program Adsense

Tulisan ini saya peruntukkan buat para blogger yang betul-betul masih pemula dalam program berburu dollar melalui Google adsense. Nahhh…, buat yang udah master dan ahli ataupun para Blogger Idol, mohon kritik dan saran atau ide-ide yang bisa membangun buat para blogger yang masih newbie seperti saya ini di comment postingan ini.

Berikut ini merupakan tips dan strategi yang saya lakukan dalam dua bulan terakhir dan hasil nya lumayan, walaupun dollar yang di dapat tidak terlalu tinggi-tinggi amat. Tetapi paling tidak beberapa recehan dollar tetap masuk didalam earning. Sebagai persyaratannya tidak terlalu sulit, yang penting punya account di google adsense. Buat yang bahasa inggrisnya masih belepotan kayak saya pun tips ini masih bisa di jalankan.

nahhh, berikut langkah-langkah strategi yang saya lakukan:

1. Buatlah sebuah tema blog, dengan catatan tema tersebut banyak yang nyari. sebagai contoh disini saya menggunakan tema tentang forex dan tentang notebook.

2. Pilih blog atau cms. Bisa dengan blogspot ataupun cms Wordpres. Disini saya menggunakan dua-duanya untuk membandingkan hasilnya.

3. Siapkan nama situs dan deskripsinya, sebaiknya untuk alamat url yang digunakan menggunakan nama-nama yang nyerempet ke tema blog, karena ini akan berpengaruh didalam SEO. Misalnya dengan tema dan judul forex, usahakan nama urlnya ada kata-kata forex, contoh: www.forex-bla-bla-bla.blogspot.com

4. cari bahannya di internet yang sesuai dengan tema, karena untuk menulis content dengan hasil pikiran sendiri tentunya sulitnya bukan main, apalagi dengan kemampuan bahasa inggris yang belepotan kayak saya. Untuk mengatasi supaya tidak terlihat hasil copy paste, saya menggunakan bantuan google.com/translate untuk mendaur ulang. Cara kerjanya begini; saya dapatkan sebuah artikel berbahasa inggris kemudian saya copy, kemudian artikel tersebut saya translate ke dalam bahasa prancis misalnya, dari bahasa prancis saya translate lagi kedalam bahasa inggris, maka jadilah content yang benar2 fresh.

4. setidaknya sebelum dipasangi iklan adsense, blog/web tersebut berisi sekitar 25-30 content.

5. Langkah selanjutnya adalah submit blog tersebut ke search engine google, yahoo, dan MSN.

6. Untuk pemasangan iklan adsense, usahakan menyatu dengan dengan blog dan kelihatan bukan seperti iklan, misalnya untuk warna link iklan usahakan sama dengan dengan warna-warna link di blog yang digunakan.

7. Sambil menunggu blog tersebut di index search engine, Submit blog tersebut ke layanan social bookmark setiap hari dua kali. karena biasanya traffik pertama kali datang berasal dari layanan tersebut. berdasarkan pengalaman saya, kemaren blog baru saya, submit ke stumbleupon, dari tadinya mempunyai 0 traffik meningkat menjadi sekitar 300 pengunjung. Untuk daftar-daftar layanan social bookmark bisa dilihat di postingan berjudul Daftar Social Bookmark dofollow.

8. Targetkan update content sehari sekali dan langsung submit ke social bookmark dua kali sehari.

source: http://heriblog.web.id/

Sabtu, 04 April 2009

Blogging for Money

There are three popular ways of making money through blogging and you can find them right here.

The first one is through advertisement. For instance you’re already writing blogs. Now, in order to make money, you must get advertisements. Once your blogs are popular, more and more visitors will checkout your blog. Because of the popularity of your blogs, you will soon receive offers for advertisements from companies and product brands. The companies will then pay you for the advertisements. In most cases, you will be advertising products and services that are related to your blogs.

The second is by writing reviews. While you’re writing a blog, you can also write reviews. You can earn more money by blogging about services, products, and popular companies. Since business owners want to popularize their names, they will offer you to write reviews about their products and brands.

The reviews should be positive so that more people are attracted to the said products or services. It must be able to generate an optimistic impression. If you’re a popular and experienced blogger, more and more companies will request you to write reviews about them.

The third way to earn money is to do blogging and get paid. There are organizations as well as individuals who are willing to shell out money and pay for the blogs you make. Now, the blogs you will be asked to write may be about their products or services. Hired bloggers are increasing in numbers all over the world.

Through the blogs, certain products or services can create a big buzz. Those that hire bloggers will benefit a lot and they can create goodwill and excellent promotions. If you’re a hired blogger, you will periodically receive hundreds or thousands through your blogs. Isn’t that a good way to earn money without leaving the comforts of your home?

Advertisements, writing reviews, and getting paid for blogging are the three most popular ways of earning money through blogging. If you want, you can combine any of the three so that you can increase your earnings. However, this may be difficult to achieve especially if you’re a beginner.

source: heriblog.co.cc

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

How to Make Money through Blogging

There are many money-making opportunities waiting for people online. For some reasons, many individuals stay at home. Some individuals can’t have a professional career because they have to take care of their family and some are simply jobless.

However, this is the time to rejoice because now you can make money even without leaving your home. It’s time to learn about how to make money through blogging.

Budding bloggers may not know the potential of earning huge money through blogging. But if you’re an excellent blogger, you can make more or less $20,000 every month just by posting blogs online. It’s quite amazing, isn’t it?

Both bloggers and advertisers benefit from blogging largely. This is a rewarding business venture especially if you know how to go about the whole process. It is very important to build trust among your readers. Without your faithful readers, you will not succeed as a blogger.

Many people have the talents in writing and if you’re one of them, you can take advantage of this opportunity and become a blogger. Paid blogging is getting more and more popular in today’s times and it’s definitely going to stay in the market for a long time.

If you want to generate income by surfing the net at home, try creating interesting blogs. You don’t just share all your personal experiences or your favorite topics. If you want to become a successful blogger, you must also consider the interests of your readers and subscribers. You must be able to put some sizzle in your blogs to keep your readers interested.

There are popular sites that can help budding bloggers like the PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and SponsoredReviews. If you want to know the latest blogging opportunities online, visit PayPerPost. After finding the right blogging opportunity, you can now make your offer to the advertisers. If the advertisers like the blogger, blogging reviews will be awarded.

However, the case is different with ReviewMe. Instead of the bloggers contacting advertisers, it is the advertisers who contact their desired bloggers. Only the established and popular bloggers can regularly post blogs in ReviewMe. Despite the hardships that a blogger may encounter online, many people still desire to make money through blogging.

If you want to live your life by simply creating blogs, make sure that you’re earning enough money to finance all your daily expenses. Otherwise, you can start looking for a much better career.

source: http://heriblog.co.cc/blogging/how-to-make-money-through-blogging/

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Leading Blogging Websites to Help a Business

While browsing through the internet, you will be able to find sites that can catch your interest; this includes web pages that accommodate blogging as a serious business. For the benefit of authors out there who are into the trend of posting numerous write-ups, here are some sites that can not only host your blogs and also help you get your business booming.


Squarespace gives bloggers the best deal for their articles. It’s a smart way to start a blog or a website with all the provided instructions. Equipped with all the advanced tools and manageable page, it is a stylish way to begin a website or a blog either big or small.

This software is intended for everyone, companies, students, entrepreneurs, authors, professionals and non-professionals, everybody’s welcome. Squarespace doesn’t require mastery of anything. No need for tutorials. If you’re the type of person who belongs to the sophisticated percent of the masses, then this is the right place to start your thing. This is the publishing solution, an elite Evolution from the typical account, technicalities not a requirement.

Squarespace can be a powerful tool for the idealists of website and blog making. Tools introduced in this site are RRS, comment spam management, registration, pinging, feed discovery and a lot more.

Growth is now predictable. This file management system isn’t fabricated only for bloggers but also with building various kinds of websites. You could edit and compress your data effectively.

The extraordinary and manageable array of search-engine templates uploaded can be changed and customized with the author’s desire. Imagine a design of your own webpage.

Squarespace is an intelligent way to execute and manage your site’s content. Drafting strips will come up and will enable you to change the manuscript of your page. It just made everything easier for you to edit your webpage.

source: heriblog.co.cc