Kamis, 10 September 2009

How to Make Money From Blogging

Blogs are a great way to share reviews, ideas and opinions , but also, they are a viable way to earn a nice income. Actually, making money by blogging is something just about anyone can do. Making money with a blog is totally dependent on your audience and the attractiveness of your advertisements. Blogs are simple to set up, and relatively easy to update. As many as 75,000 blogs are created each day—almost one every second!

If you are ready to start earning money online and you have a tiny budget, blogging is an awesome way to go. You can join affiliate programs and advertise on your blog. The only cost involved in setting up your blog is your time.

Even though there are many factors involved in earning money with your blog, there are a few vital steps to consider when setting up, maintaining and promoting your blog if you are serious about achieving success.

1. Any blog needs to have a proper layout in order for your adsense ads to be “clickable” by visitors. Selecting an ad's location, size and color is vital and is something you will need to test and tweak to determine which formats produce the most clicks. It’s amazing how a single minute change can produce monumental results. There are also several other ways to make money with your blog than with adsense alone. You could promote affiliate products and implement contextual advertising with companies like Kontera.

2. Any blog needs lots of daily visitors in order to earn money. This is really a no-brainer, yet it's one of the greatest challenges tall website owners face. The promising reality is that there are more ways to generate traffic for your blog than ever before. This is due to the emergence of Web 2.0 sites like YouTube and social bookmarking sites. Many of these sites are a great source for one-way links to your blog. Getting hundreds of quality links is a must if you expect significant traffic to your blog. There are also many SEO tools on the market now such as directory and article submitters that will help you get hundreds of links to your blog quickly and save lots of time.

3. Your blog will need to be updated frequently. You should not expect return visitors if your blog is not a source of fresh information. You can implement RSS feeds to provide your blog with relative information, however you will need to write entries as well at least once or twice per week. This will make your blog appealing to the search engines and also help brand you as an expert in your field.

Blogging is an incredible way to share your thoughts and ideas online, but it can be a tremendous money-making tool. Making money with blogs is fairly simple if you know what to do and if you’re willing to invest the time and effort needed in order to make it profitable.

2 komentar:

  1. If you want to start blogging for money there are a few things you need to consider. To make money blogging you must have a plan and put that plan into action. Of course, there will be some trial and error; however, this is how you learn what works

  2. Nice post,

    Most of people have jumped on the latest way to earn money online and it is called affiliate marketing. Many times, you can set up an affiliate marketing campaign for free online. However, to be truly successful, you will have to create your own website and that means using a reputable internet webhosting business. For now I think the free service is great, I use it too :)

    Thanks again for these great tips.
